
There is no limit on the number of DRP users that a member company may have.

Probably the most common misconception is that some member companies have more votes than others or their votes are weighted more heavily. Each member has one vote on the TAC which is the ultimate decision making body for what research will be done.

FRI Members have access to FRI’s full library of programs, reports, and other helpful tools and information, including:

Device Rating Program (DRP) – FRI’s proprietary computer program includes FRI’s correlations that are based on over 70 years of research data. Download and activation information is available.

Database – FRI Database contains over 32,500 experimental data points that were collected from testing seven different trays and packings at wide range of physical properties. The database documents not only the device performance data but also hardware design information.

Handbooks – FRI handbooks provide valuable information on the insight of mass transfer and best design practices of mass transfer equipment. The handbooks are widely used by FRI Members for their distillation column design, revamp, and troubleshooting

o The Design Practices Handbook offers industry best practices for the design of distillation and absorption columns and associated equipment.

o The Design Guidance Handbook provides information regarding tray and packing fundamentals, and FRI models and correlations for trays and packings.

Projects – Find all the content for a specific FRI research project and proprietary test program in one place including: objectives, test plan and installation, test results, operations videos, presentations, and reports.

Reports – 966 and counting reports documenting test results, modeling, and correlations.

Trainings –Watch recordings of past webinars and find the reference materials for these valuable and insightful presentations.

Videos – Access all FRI Project Tests videos, FAQs, Trainings, and Store Videos. FRI’s test videos capture the unique footage of trays and packings operating wide range of process conditions.

FRI is a non-profit organization. Each three years the staff reviews financial projections and develops a budget that balances membership fees with the expenses that are expected to occur. A simple escalation factor is used to adjust membership dues income with the expected expenses. Each year, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors review and adjust the escalation factor based on current economics.

The answer is quite simple. One Member = One Vote. To oversee the research, there is a Technical Advisory Committee which plans, approves, and receives the reports on the research program. It meets two times per year. Each member company has a representative on the Committee. The Technical Director directs the staff in executing the research program.