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FRI Design Practices Committee


    The FRI Design Practices Committee (DPC) recently held a two-day meeting in Houston, Texas. The current committee is comprised of industry experts with about 564 years of combined experience. These experts represent fifteen FRI Member companies, some of the world’s premier chemical, petroleum, and engineering companies.

    The DPC is responsible for The Design Practices Handbook, one of the FRI tools available only to Members. The handbook contains industry best practices for the design of distillation and absorption towers and associated equipment. Some of the topics that are currently being reviewed are Weir Types, Location of Instruments, and Revamp Pitfalls.

    The DPC authored an article, Causes and Prevention of Packing Fires, published by Chemical Engineering. FRI made the decision to release the information to the public due to the important safety information contained in the article.

    FRI appreciates the committee members’ efforts, and the Members’ support in creating and maintaining this valuable FRI tool.

    Please contact us if you are interested in FRI Membership.